Choice of log-in method
If you want to use Qualified signature - choose Qualified signature or iBOSS e-Podpis
If you want to use Unqualified signature - choose Unqualified signature or iBOSS e-Podpis
If you want to use Mobile application - choose Mobile application
ID number - Client's ID number
Fill the ID number field with your 8 digit ID number received from the BOŚ S.A. Branch.
If you use the Mobile application:
At the first login , enter the 8 character temporary login password in the Password field. Then following the instructions - you will be taken to the page where you can set your own password. It must be 4 to 8 characters long. The next time you log in, enter the password you set in the Password field.Certificate - this is the certificate used for log-in and authorisation of orders in the e-banking system.
PIN - access code to the chip card.
In field PIN write in access code to the chip card.
Security Notice! Opening attachments in messages from unknown senders carries the risk for your computer of being infected with malware that can be used to steal funds from your account!
Current news of The Polish Bank Association on security of electronic banking systems.